
New infrastructure construction stemming from the new waves of technological revolution worldwide is exemplified by 5G base stations, big data centers, and ultra-high voltage. It has aroused extensive academic and policy interests in recent years, especially due to its beneficial role in empowering regional novel economic dynamics. However, this argument is still too general to capture the nuanced effects of new infrastructure construction on fostering emerging industries in specific spatial-temporal and industrial contexts, which is left for geographers to take up. This paper focuses on the spatial-temporally and industrially heterogeneous effects of new infrastructure construction on fostering four distinctive emerging industries in major Chinese cities over the last decade. It reveals that new infrastructure construction and emerging industries have experienced rapid development in major Chinese cities, with geographical agglomeration in national central cities with advanced economic development level. It is empirically demonstrated that new infrastructure construction can facilitate the development of emerging industries in major Chinese cities, while significant spatial-temporal heterogeneity characterizes the contributory forces. Furthermore, artificial intelligence as a Key Enabling Technology, robotics as a kind of hardware-featured industry, software-as-a-service as a software-centered industry, and blockchain as a networking-oriented industry vary markedly in the extent and the ways in which they benefit from new infrastructure construction, and they consequently exhibit industrial sensitivity to spatial-temporal heterogeneity in the fostering effects.

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