
Intertidal areas experience a series of complex dynamic processes that affect beach morphology. Many of these processes are difficult to monitor, particularly due to the limited availability of high-resolution data. This study utilises high resolution radar-derived DEMs obtained through the temporal waterline method high resolution to perform a spatio-temporal analysis of beach morphology over the macrotidal nearshore of Rossall Beach, UK. Beach elevation changes are characterized, providing new insights into the morphological processes from fortnightly to seasonal time scales. The results of this analysis draw focus to the short-term variations in beach morphology and their contributions to long-term change. Observation of spatio-temporal variation displayed an intertidal system in a seasonal steady state equilibrium, somewhat dominated by elevation changes within the spring and summer months. Furthermore, the upper-intertidal zone displays evidence of continuing accretion. Though the analysis within this study is mostly explorative, it shows the potential of radar data for autonomous monitoring and spatio-temporal characterization of the coast. This enables coastal managers and stakeholders to build a long-term picture of the coastline, reducing vulnerability to coastal hazards and building resilience.

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