
We theoretically study the control of the interferences of multiple tunneling photoelectron wave packets in both temporal and spatial domains by an orthogonally polarized two-color laser pulse. Profound carpetlike and stripelike interference patterns can be turned on or off in the momentum spectra using a weak streaking field at half the frequency of a strong fundamental field. The modulations of the interference patterns with respect to the relative phase between the two frequency components are well recaptured by both a semiclassical interference model and an ab initio simulation with numerically solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. We highlight the importance of the ionic Coulomb potential on the photoelectron angular distributions of atoms in the orthogonally polarized two-color pulses. It is shown that the interference induced by the forward rescattering trajectories is enhanced while the contribution of the direct trajectories is suppressed. This study offers alternative routes toward probing and controlling the ultrafast ionization dynamics of atoms and molecules.

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