
To achieve super-resolution one must take into account a priori information about localization of the object. Such an a priori information exists in the case of an object of finite size. Its Fourier transform located in the focal plane of the lens is an entire analytic function, and analytic continuation of the object spectrum outside the spatial-frequency band allows for unlimited resolution. However such a super-resolution is extremely sensitive to the noise in the detected image. The ultimate limit of super-resolution is determined by the quantum fluctuations of light in the detection plane. We present the quantum theory of super-resolution for a one-dimensional coherent optical imaging scheme and discuss possibilities of improving the resolution limit by using multimode squeezed light. For quantum-mechanical description of this scheme we take into account the vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field in the input plane outside the object. Interference of these vacuum fluctuations with the field amplitude of the object in the detection plane is the origin of the standard quantum limit or shot noise of photodetection in the image. To go beyond this limit we suggest to illuminate the object with multimode squeezed light having the spot size much larger than the object area. Then the vacuum fluctuations outside the object can be effectively suppressed resulting in sub-shot-noise detection of the image.

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