
Previous studies have shown that ascending somatic sensory pathways arising from the dorsal column nuclei, lateral cervical nucleus and spinothalamic tract terminate in parts of the thalamus adjacent to those which receive cerebellar terminations. This termination pattern creates a border between the ventroposterolateral nucleus (VPL) and the ventrolateral nucleus (VL) in the cat and between the caudal and oral parts of VPL (VPLc and VPLo, respectively) in the monkey. Since it is not clear how sharp these borders are, a double orthograde labeling strategy was used in the present study to make direct comparisons of the projections to the thalamus from these sources of input. It was found that there was a change in the sources of afferent input to the different target areas that paralleled changes in cytoarchitecture. Moving caudally to rostrally, VPL in the cat and VPLc in the monkey received projections predominantly from the middle, dorsal (clusters) portion of the dorsal column nuclei. These projections were gradually replaced near the VPL-VL border in the cat and VPLc-VPLo border in the monkey first by input from the lateral cervical nucleus (cat only) and the rostral and ventral portions of the dorsal column nuclei and then by spinothalamic projections. Towards VL in the cat and the rostral parts of VPLo in the monkey (referred to as Vim by Hassler, '59 and Mehler, '71), these projections were in turn replaced by those from the cerebellum. This sequence resulted in a complex pattern (summarized in Fig. 10) where some thalamic territories received input predominantly from one source and others received converging input from several sources. The major region receiving converging ascending somatic sensory and cerebellar terminations was located at the border between VPL and VL in the cat and in the caudal parts of Olszewski's ('52) VPLo in the monkey (that is, between VPLc and Vim). In general, the results in the cat were similar to those in the monkey. One notable difference was that the domain containing terminals from the cerebellum and the rostral-ventral parts of the dorsal column nuclei was located medially between VPLc and Vim in the monkey, whereas it extended across the entire mediolateral border between VPL and VL in the cat. In both species, thalamic neurons received input predominantly from one afferent source and only minor input, if any, from other sources.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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