
The movie Song of Spring with beautiful images tells the story of a middle-aged and elderly mother and daughter after encountering sudden changes in their lives. They heal each other in their plight and redeemed each other. Director Yang Li Na uses a new female perspective to look at society, dissolving the male gaze through the female point of view and voice. She uses a beautiful mirror narrative to show the growth and image of women, revealing the historical complexes and cultural psychology of contemporary elderly women and reflecting the richness of the female world; through a dreamlike polyphony narrative, she reconstructs the narrative time and space, with real life time and space interspersed with the ever-present illusory memories, highlighting the plight of women behind the warmth; through the beautiful narrative of "prose poetry" and the poetic metaphors of beautiful romance, a gentle and serene feminist expression is presented. Based on feminist narratology, this research uses documentary and qualitative research methods to analyze the film Song of Spring reconstruction of feminist-themed films by surreal expression techniques and poetic metaphors spanning time and space, exploring the "other" perspective and gender aesthetics of feminist narratives in the film Song of Spring and the reflections on the meaning and value of women’s lives behind it.

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