
流溪河水库是位于北回归线上的大型山谷型水库,是一座典型的热带-亚热带过渡区水体.为了解该水库的特点,于2006年对水库的水文、营养盐状况及相关理化因子进行了逐月监测,对其主要的湖沼学变量的季节动态和空间分布进行了分析,探讨了湖沼学特征和生态过程的主要驱动因子.流溪河水库全年表层水温在14.9-31.6℃之间,水柱热分层开始于3月初,一直持续到12月,呈单循环混合模式.水库的水动力学主要受降水和水库用水的影响,2006年全年降雨量为2960mm,平均水力滞留时间长170d;降雨量集中在丰水期(4-9月),导致丰水期水力滞留时间短(65d),丰水期与枯水期水文水动力季节性差别显著,水文水动力学变化剧烈.2006年全年湖泊区的TN、TP、Chl.a、SD的平均值分别为0.66mg/L,0.016mg/L,2.2mg/m<sup>3</sup>,3.1m,指示该水库为贫中营养型水体.N/P的质量比为41:1,DIN/DIP的质量比为78:1,说明该水库浮游植物生长在强烈的磷限制性水体中,较高的N/P比是由流域中热带-亚热带红壤中营养盐组成特点所决定.营养盐、透明度和叶绿素a等变量的分布具有明显的时空异质性,丰水期初期(4-5月)营养盐浓度显著地高于其它月份,说明地表径流是输送营养盐入库的主要途径;沿入库河流至水库大坝方向,营养盐和Chl.a具有递减规律,即:河流区>过渡区>湖泊区.受季风的影响,丰水期的降水集中加上水库的本身形态是导致流溪河水库湖沼学特征呈显著的季节性和空间梯度的关键因素.;Liuxihe Reservoir, located at the tropic of Cancer, is a large valley-type reservoir. In order to understand its limonological features, main limnological variables including hydrological and environmental factors were observed monthly in 2006. Surface water temperature ranged from 14.9 to 31.6 . The thermal stratification ℃ ℃ was monomictic, initiating in the early March when the water temperature reached 20 , and lasting until December. The total precipitation in 2006 was 2960mm, but mainly distributed in ℃ wet season (from April to September). The mean water residence time was about 170 days, being more short in the flooding season (65 days). The mean concentrations of TN, TP, chlorophyll-a and SD were 0.66mg/L, 0.016mg/L, 2.2mg/m<sup>3</sup> and 3.1m, respectively, indicating that the reservoir was oligo-mesotrophic. Mass ratio of TN/TP is around 41, 78 for DIN/DIP. Both ratios were much higher than the Redfield ratio, and mean that growth of phytoplankton was strongly limited by phosphorus. The high N/P ratio was attributed to the tropical red soil containing rich iron. A distinct longitudinal pattern and seasonal variability in limnological variables were observed in this reservoir. At the beginning of wet season (April and May), all nutrient concentrations were significantly higher than other period. It confirmed that surface runoff was the main path for nutrient loading into the reservoir. The longitudinal pattern of nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations was typical as follows as riverine zone>transition zone>lacustrine zone, and the water transparency correspondingly showed an opposite one. High inflow with monsoon was the main driving force in seasonality oflimnological variables, and resulted finally in a significantly longitudinal gradient of these variables by interacting with the reservoir own morphology.

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