
Sympatry among closely related species occurs in both adaptive and nonadaptive radiations. Among closely related, sympatric species of a nonadaptive radiation, the lack of ecological differentiation brings species into continual contact where individuals are exposed to the risk of reproductive interference. Selection thus should cause divergence in multiple components mediating the reproductive boundary. Besides differentiation of reproductive signals per se, spatial segregation is a commonly proposed mechanism that can mitigate reproductive interference. Studying a pair of broadly sympatric, closely related cricket species from a nonadaptive radiation in Hawaii, we 1) quantified acoustic divergence of male songs and 2) tested alternative hypotheses of spatial distribution of calling males of the 2 species. Acoustic analyses of the recorded songs showed that, while the 2 species differed substantially in pulse rate, no spectral or fine temporal segregation of the pulse structure was evident, indicating the potential for acoustic masking. Moreover, we found that calling males of the 2 species are highly mixed both vertically and horizontally and showed the same preference for calling sites. More surprisingly, calling males were found to form mixed-species calling clusters where heterospecific males are closer to each other than conspecific males. Such an individual spacing pattern suggests low heterospecific aggression and/or high conspecific competition. Because females prefer higher sound intensity, heterospecific males may benefit, rather than interfere, with each other in attracting females. These findings offer a potential mechanism enabling species coexistence in sympatry.

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