
Geo-spatial archives, especially in the context of DH, are seldom defined and studied. Though there are works on geo-spatial archives in DH (Foley, 2015), a proper definition and characteristics of the same are not covered in the existing works. This general lack of attention to geo-spatial archives also means that the multitudes of opportunities that this area can offer are left unexplored. Spatial hypertext is an important possibility in geo-spatial archives where digital maps serve as hypertexts within the larger text (the latter which can either be a base map or a text). Spatial hypertextual tools such as Tinderbox and Storyspace have long been in use for hypertextual writing. Along similar lines, in this paper we propose using digital maps as spatial hypertext in DH geo-spatial archive which in turn will facilitate a deeper spatial analysis of the geolocation visualized. The first part of this paper therefore attempts to define and establish spatial geo-spatial archives in DH, along with its characteristics by citing and examining the existing projects on the same. The second part of the paper moves one step ahead to propose digital maps as spatial hypertexts within a geo-spatial DH archive which can further the deep mapping of the geolocation under study. This section will also contain a prototype of an upcoming geo-spatial archival DH project on massacres that is being developed as part of doctoral dissertation. The final section will substantiate the methods, tools, and the pedagogical opportunities of using spatial hypertext within DH geo-spatial projects. The main aim of the study is therefore to capture the attention of the spatial digital humanists to the developing field of geo-spatial archives and to initiate discussions on the possibilities of the same through the proposal of digital maps as spatial hypertexts.

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