
The Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (L[MS), an experiment on the NIMBUS-7 satellite, is designed to scan the earth's limb vertically and measure spectral emission profiles of trace atmospheric gases believed to be important in processes controlling the stratospheric ozone distribution. Experiment objectives are reviewed and several analyses and measurements are described which were performed to determine the adequacy of the system for satisfying these objectives. Adequate spatial-frequency response for all the spectral channels is required to provide, through inversion of the measured limb-radiance profiles, important information about the temperature, structure, and composition of the atmosphere. From the LIMS design-model data, the MTF was calculated for the optical system, the detector field mask, the electronics, and the overall system, for each channel. The signal output performance of the instrument was predicted from the system MTF data and model input radiance data for each channel. MTF measurements made on the flight sensor confirmed the analytical results. The predictions indicate that the instrument can satisfy the basic measurement objectives of the experiment.

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