
This study demonstrates the application of Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and Sediment Distributed Delivery (SEDD) models integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) to estimate gross soil loss and the sediment delivery of the Pra River Basin in Ghana. Digital Elevation Model, land use map, rainfall data and soil map were input to the model to display the spatial distribution of soil erosion and sediment in the basin. The model estimated an annual soil erosion of 1.28 × 106 t/year and an average sediment yield of 2.70 t/ha/year in the basin. Results showed that about 21.3% of the basin is susceptible to severe and very severe erosion. The model results showed that soil erosion rate varied with land use types. It also showed that the Lower Ofin sub-basin has the highest erosion rate. The study demonstrates that the RUSLE and SEDD model integrated with GIS provides relatively easy, cost-effective and fast approach in the estimation of spatially distributed soil erosion and sediment yield of river basins. The results will help in the planning and management of natural resources to ensure sustainable development of the Pra River Basin.

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