
The mobility of people and things is a necessity in the life of populations. It generates various modes of movement. Also fuel consumption becomes an obligation for the proper functioning of the machines. The availability of fuel and its accessibility arises in the municipality of Bohicon . The objective of this research is to evaluate access to fuel, in particular gasoline from service stations in this municipality. The methodological approach used consisted in carrying out enough documentary research followed by various field work using different tools and materials such as survey questionnaires, interview guides, a notepad and a GPS. This is followed by the processing of the data collected and then the presentation of the results using Word, Excel and QGis; A total of 24 service stations and 10 points of sale in the municipality as well as to understand the behavior consumers. However, it is noted the unbalanced distribution of the various service stations and points of sale. Also it is noted that there are only 18% of consumers who get their gasoline at the service station against 82% who prefer adulterated gasoline for various reasons although they are aware of the quality of that of service stations. Hence the need to revise the policies of this sector and a proposal for a development plan for service stations for an upgrade of sector of Petroleum Products Storage and Distribution Infrastructures (ISDPP).

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