
Spatial distribution of organic carbon and humic substances in irrigated soils under different management systems in a semi-arid zone in Ceará, Brazil Knowledge of the spatial variability in soil properties can contribute to effective use and management. This study was conducted to evaluate the spatial distribution of the levels of total organic carbon (TOC) and humic substances (humic acid (C-FAH), fulvic acid fraction (C-FAF), and humin fraction (C-HUM)) in an Ultisol under different land uses, located in the irrigated perimeter of Baixo Acaraú-CE, transition to semiarid Ceará. The distribution and spatial dependence of the humic fractions were evaluated using descriptive statistics, including semivariogram analysis and data interpolation (kriging). The TOC showed a pure nugget effect, whereas the other fractions showed moderate spatial dependence. Forested and banana cultivation areas showed similar distributions of C-FAH and C-FAF, due to the high input of organic matter (leaves and pseudostems) in the area of banana cultivation and the absence of soil disturbance in the forested area. Data interpolation (kriging) and mapping were useful tools to assess the distribution and spatial dependence of soil attributes.

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