
The aim of this study was to provide direct in vivo information of the physiological and structural characteristics of active muscle fibres from a large part of the upper trapezius muscle. Two-dimensional (2-D) multi-channel surface electromyography recordings were used, with 13 × 10 electrodes covering 6 × 4.5 cm of the skin’s surface. A previously developed method was applied to detect individual propagating motor unit action potentials and to estimate their corresponding muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV) and muscle fibre orientation (MFO). Using these estimates, spatial distributions of MFCV and MFO were examined for five male subjects performing isometric shoulder elevation at different force levels. The main results were: (1) the general relationship between MFCV and force generation was non-systematic, with a positive relationship at the inferior part of the muscle, (2) the spatial distribution of MFCV at different force levels and fatigue was inhomogeneous and (3) the MFO was slightly different (6°) of the muscle fibres with origin superior compared to inferior to the C7 vertebra. These findings provide new information of the MFO of contracting muscle fibres and knowledge of the physiological characteristics of a large part of the upper trapezius muscle that previously was based on observations from human cadavers only.

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