
Abstract. Sublimation is the main ablation component of snow in the upper areas of the semiarid Andes (∼ 26 to ∼ 32∘ S and ∼ 69 to ∼ 71∘ W). This region has elevations up to 6000 m, is characterized by scarce precipitation, high solar radiation receipt, and low air humidity, and has been affected by a severe drought since 2010. In this study, we suggest that most of the snowmelt runoff originates from specific areas with topographic and meteorological features that allow large snow accumulation and limited mass removal. To test this hypothesis, we quantify the spatial distribution of snowmelt runoff and sublimation in a catchment of the semiarid Andes using a process-based snow model that is forced with field data. Model simulations over a 2-year period reproduce point-scale records of snow depth (SD) and snow water equivalent (SWE) and are also in good agreement with an independent SWE reconstruction product as well as satellite snow cover area and indices of winter snow absence and summer snow persistence. We estimate that 50 % of snowmelt runoff is produced by 21 %–29 % of the catchment area, which we define as “snowmelt hotspots”. Snowmelt hotspots are located at mid-to-lower elevations of the catchment on wind-sheltered, low-angle slopes. Our findings show that sublimation is not only the main ablation component: it also plays an important role shaping the spatial variability in total annual snowmelt. Snowmelt hotspots might be connected with other hydrological features of arid and semiarid mountain regions, such as areas of groundwater recharge, rock glaciers, and mountain peatlands. We recommend more detailed snow and hydrological monitoring of these sites, especially in the current and projected scenarios of scarce precipitation.

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