
The spatial characteristics of microwave bursts are discussed in relation to impulsive and post-burst phases. The existence of two components - a gradual and another spiky - in the impulsive phase is discussed from the WSRT high time and spatial resolution observations. Using the WSRT data, evidence is presented for homologous flares at 6 cm, from the similarity of their spatial structure and their temporal evolution. Preflare changes in microwave active regions are presented and their interpretations in terms of newly emerging flux at the flare site are discussed. High spatial resolution observations of the structure of microwave flaring loops and their interpretation in terms of arcades of loops as the sites of primary energy release are presented. Theoretical interpretation of the confinement of microwave producing energetic electrons in the coronal part of loops is discussed. The relative timing of the peaks of impulsive hard X-ray and microwave burst is discussed. Possible diagnostics of impulsive phase onsets from cm-λ polarization data are presented, and the role of the emergence of new flux and of the current sheet formed between closed loops in producing impulsive energy release at centimeter wavelengrths are analyzed.

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