
To enhance regional carbon emission performance (CEP), understanding the spatial association characteristics of CEPs in cities has emerged as a pivotal strategy for the Chinese government to address climate issues. In this study, the formation mechanism of the CEP spatial network is illustrated and a super-efficient SBM model used to measure the CEP of each city in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) from 2003 to 2018. Subsequently, the structural characteristics and influencing factors of the CEP network were explored using a macro-micro-individual analysis framework. The results showed that the CEP of regional cities exhibited clear network structural characteristics, with a continuous strengthening of spatial association. The motif structure type with reciprocity and agglomeration played a decisive role in the network. The low-carbon development of the YRD mainly depended on the driving effect of the core cities; however, there was a noticeable disparity in individual centrality between the core cities and the others. Geographic proximity and differences in economic agglomeration, open policy, and transportation had a significant positive impact on the CEP network. Conversely, disparities in industrial structure, population agglomeration, and technological innovation were not conducive to network formation. Based on these findings, policies to promote the low-carbon transition in the YRD have been proposed.

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