
Benthic Cladocera were studied with a modified type of an activity trap in Lake Myvatn in 1990–1992. After feasibility experiments, the operation time and the distance of the traps from the benthic substrate were adjusted in order to minimize the effects of diurnal variation and the trapping of planktonic organisms. The trap catches of Eurycercus lamellatus were positively correlated with their abundance at the bottom as estimated by grab sampling (r = 0.910, P < 0.001). The usefulness of the activity trap was demonstrated by: (1) a lake-wide survey of the benthic Cladocera; (2) a study of the seasonal variation in the size distribution, abundance and sex ratio of E. lamellatus; and (3) a study of the seasonal succession of Chydorus sphaericus and Alona affinis. The variation of benthic Cladocera among 21 trap sites distributed on a 1–2-km scale across the lake exceeded the within-site variation. The sampling sites could be divided into five main groups based on cluster analysis. Eurycercus lamellatus was the most common species in the mat of filamentous green algae (Cladophorales). Alonella nana dominated the area of spring water inflow in the north basin and Macrothrix hirsuticornis the area of spring water inflow in the southeastern part of the lake. In other parts of the lake either Chydorus sphaericus or Alona quadrangularis tended to dominate. The size distribution and sex ratio of E. lamellatus was followed at two sites through one summer. In early summer most individuals were females less than 1.45 mm long. Around mid-summer they had grown to 0.69–3.1 mm. By the end of August the size distribution had become bimodal, with a large number of small males and a smaller number of much larger females. The seasonal succession in the abundance of E. lamellatus, A. affinis and C. sphaericus was followed at four sites over two seasons. With some exceptions the abundance of a species followed a similar seasonal trajectory on the different stations in any one year. There was, however, a marked difference between the two years (1991 and 1992), probably related to different temperatures.

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