
The aim of this study was to describe the effect of lime additions on the spatial variability of pH and Eh in a typic Plintacualf cultivated with rice, in Corrientes, Argentina. The 5.1 ha field was divided in three sub plots at which dolomitic lime additions were made at the rates zero, 625 kg ha-1 and 1250 kg ha-1. The soil was sampled at three stages: before sowing thus in aerobic conditions, and then two more times in anaerobiosis. Ninety-six samples per sub plot were taken on each of the three sampling stages on a grid of 11.9 x 20 m. Soil pH and Eh were measured by routine methods. The pH values increased, whereas Eh values decreased, following flooding. The coefficients of variation for pH was rather low during all the three studied periods. Conversely, the CV values for Eh were initially low but with a sharp increased in the second sampling date. The spatial variability of the studied soil properties was assessed using semivariogram analysis and examination of the maps constructed with values interpolated with kriging. Soil pH exhibited a rather strong spatial dependence, whereas soil Eh had a strong to moderate spatial dependence all over the three studied periods and for the three lime rates. Spherical models reaching a stable sill with low to moderate nugget effect were fitted to the experimental semivariograms for the 18 data sets (3 subplots, 3 liming rates and 2 properties) studied. Spatial variability of pH and Eh on rice fields was far from negligible both on aerobic and on anaerobic conditions. In general pH exhibited a stronger spatial dependence than Eh and also showed a tendency to present smaller ranges of spatial dependence. Contour maps clearly showed the presence of small scale variability for pH and Eh within each liming treatment and during each of the three sampling dates. Neither pH or Eh had temporal stability of the pattern of spatial distribution on field studied.

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