
The bldA gene encodes the only tRNA for the UUA codon that, although dispensable in genes important for primary vegetative growth of Streptomyces spp., is important in genes that serve a regulatory purpose in the differentiation. To investigate this role further, the spatial and temporal expression profiles of the bldA-regulated and unregulated genes within a Streptomyces colony were examined using modified genes for the green fluorescent protein ( gfp) as an expression-tag. A comparative study, based on computer-assisted quantitative analysis of the GFP fluorescence, revealed that the presence of TTA codons in gfp results in a temporal delay of translation and, consequently, changed the spatial pattern of the GFP expression within a colony, especially during early differentiation. The delay of GFP expression was undetectable at 60 h post-inoculation. These results provide the first extensive evidence that the bldA does indeed play a significant regulatory role during colony differentiation.

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