
The study involves the obtainment of regular tracers of the solar cycle in the radio range by activity manifestations in the chromosphere and corona. Our research method consists of the systematic processing of the RATAN-600 radio data at frequencies 3–18 GHz obtained during more than one cycle of solar activity and their comparison with other databases of time series characterizing the magnetic activity of the Sun at the photospheric level. In the first phase of this work, we identified an array of approximately 600 active regions that evenly covers all phases of solar cycle 24 in approximately 9 years, for which we reliably identified the local radio sources based on RATAN-600 data, as well as data from other databases, such as spacecraft of the Space Weather Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The sample is statistically homogeneous and evenly distributed over solar latitudes in both hemispheres. The statistical relationships between the sunspot areas and the parameters of intensity and polarization of local radio sources are obtained. It is shown how the spectral flux density of local radio sources in the chromosphere and corona at different frequencies increases with the increase in the sunspot area (and, consequently, the magnetic flux). The estimates of exponents of this dependence are obtained.

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