
1. Invertebrate drift in streams draining a tropical landscape in Costa Rica was studied to assess differences in assemblage composition above and below a major gradient break in geomorphic landform and to assess temporal patterns of drift in lowland reaches below the gradient break. The gradient break (∼50 m a.s.l.) is the point at which the foothills of the Costa Rican Cordillera Central (piedmont) merge with the Caribbean coastal plain (lowlands). 2. Spatial patterns were assessed along two streams by sampling drift over 24 h once a month for 3 months in both the piedmont (90 m a.s.l.) and lowlands (30 m a.s.l.). Temporal patterns of drift were assessed through monthly diel sampling of three lowland sites over 8–10 months, encompassing both ‘dry’ (<400 mm precipitation per month, November to May) and wet (July to October) seasons. 3. Drift composition was insect dominated in piedmont sites and larval shrimp dominated in the lowlands. Percent similarity of assemblages between piedmont and lowland sites was low (range 26–43%) because of high larval shrimp densities in lowland versus piedmont sites. 4. Drift densities were higher during night than day, with peaks at sunset on all dates and at all sites. Diel patterns in drift agree with previous observations for the study area and support the ‘risk of predation’ hypothesis. 5. Analysis of monthly patterns in lowland sites showed high variability in drift densities; however, all major taxa were found every month. Overall, there was a trend for high invertebrate densities during the ‘dry’ season, but these trends were not significant. 6. Observed changes in drift composition support the concept of river zonation, which predicts a change in community composition along the stream continuum due to geomorphic features. Drift at lowland sites below the gradient break was dominated by shrimps, which are linked to marine environments via their migratory behaviour.

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