
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine colonic motor events associated with spontaneous defecation in the entire unprepared human colon under physiological conditions. METHODS: In 13 healthy volunteers a perfused, balloon-tipped, 17-lumen catheter (outer diameter, 3.5 mm; intersidehole spacing, 7.5 cm) was passed pernasally and positioned in the distal unprepared colon. RESULTS: In the hour before spontaneous defecation, there was an increase in propagating sequence frequency ( p = 0.04) and nonpropagating activity when compared to basal conditions ( p < 0.0001). During this hour the spatial and temporal relationships among propagating sequences demonstrated a biphasic pattern. Both the early (proximal) and late (distal) colonic phases involved the whole colon and were characterized by respective antegrade and retrograde migration of site-of-origin of arrays of propagating sequences. There was a negative correlation between propagating sequence amplitude and the time interval from propagating sequence to stool expulsion ( p = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: The colonic motor correlate of defecation is the colonic propagating sequence, the frequency and amplitude of which begin to increase as early as 1 h before stool expulsion. During the preexpulsive phase, the spatial and temporal relationship among the sites of origin of individual propagating sequences demonstrate a stereotypic anal followed by orad migration, which raises the possibility of control by long colocolonic pathways.

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