
Oneida Lake is a shallow, eutrophic lake with a well-established cyanobacterial population with reported toxic blooms containing hepatotoxic microcystins (MC). Peak bloom events from the summers of 2002 and 2003 were analyzed to determine the principal cyanobacterial genera containing microcystin synthetase ( mcy) genes. Sequence analysis of a partial mcyA amplicon targeting Microcystis, Anabaena and Planktothrix sp. indicated that Microcystis sp. was the dominant mcy genotype. This Microcystis clade was split into two distinct sub-clades. Bloom events contained members of both sub-clades with the higher MC concentrations found when both sub-clades were present in near equal proportions. The proportion of Microcystis containing the mcyD gene ranged from 0 to 37% of the total Microcystis population as determined by quantitative PCR (qPCR). The total concentration of Microcystis containing mcyD genes was linearly related to the concentration of MCs ( r 2 = 0.63). The relationship between mcy genotype and physiochemical variables was examined to determine the factor(s) controlling the periodicity in MC production in Oneida Lake. Multivariate statistical analyses, used to correlate the continuous-response variables, revealed a strong relationship between chlorophyll a, MCs and total Microcystis.

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