
Lacustrine sedimentary processes are identified on an intra-annual scale at proglacial Bear Lake, Devon Island. Stage recorders, recording thermistors, sediment traps, and underflow monitoring equipment were deployed during the 1999 melt season. Episodic proximal turbidity currents were measured as positive near-bottom temperature anomalies and currents. The timing of individual positive temperature anomalies was clearly associated with diurnal peaks of discharge into the lake. During the period of 23 to 25 July, continuous underflow occurred, which preceded a large discharge event by about 24 h. Sediment traps placed throughout the lake recorded sediment accumulation rates from 16 June to 4 August. An extremely large precipitation event occurred on 29 June, when coarse, carbonate-rich sediment was deposited in front of a secondary tributary by spatially limited turbidity currents. A niveo-eolian deposit was observed on the lake ice, and sediment traps were deployed under this area. Mass accumulation rates in these traps locally overwhelmed fluvially generated sedimentation. This sediment was dominantly sand, which quickly melted through the lake ice and hastened the date of localized break-up.

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