
The Pantanal is one of the most conserved wetland ecosystems in Brazil and a hotspot for biodiversity. Over the last decades intensification of human activities has become a major threat to the stability of the unique landscape. To establish effective conservation actions, it is essential to understand how species respond to anthropogenic and environmental regional factors. Here, data from two multiannual camera trap studies, one in the northern Pantanal and one in the southern Pantanal, were used to investigate the effects of habitat characteristics, seasons, and human interactions on the spatial and temporal patterns of lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris). Between 2010 and 2017, camera traps were repeatedly placed in consistent grids covering protected areas and areas with cattle-ranching and tourism. Data were analyzed using generalized linear mixed models and circular statistics. Activity patterns were similar and predominantly nocturnal in both areas, but tapirs indicated avoidance toward settlements and cattle and indicated habitat preferences only in the northern study area with less anthropogenic activities. The present study suggests that both environmental and anthropogenic factors can affect the species' spatial and temporal behavior, but tapirs show varying responses across regions and gradients of disturbance. The results indicate that adapting avoidance strategies might be more likely and effective in areas with low human pressure and sufficient protected areas as alternatives.

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