
We compare the changes in geographic distribution of exploited fish species versus unexploited ones living in the same environment. For this comparative study, we use the 50-year larval fish time series from the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations, which allows us to view fishing as a treatment effect in a long-term ecological experiment. Our results indicate that exploited species show a clearer distributional shift in response to environmental change than unexploited species, even after accounting for life history and ecological traits and phylogeny. The enhanced response (improved signal–noise ratio) to environmental change in exploited species may be a consequence of reduced spatial heterogeneity caused by fishery-induced age (size) truncation and the constriction of geographic distribution that accompanies fishing pressure. We suggest that reduced spatial heterogeneity can cause exploited populations to be more vulnerable to climate variability, an effect that could have considerable importance in the management of fish stocks. This is the first study to compare the geographic distributions of a large suite of exploited and unexploited fish species from the northeastern Pacific in response to climate variability.

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