
Air pollution can occur one of which is due to the activities of limestone mining, especially the combustion process which has a high potential to cause lime dust. This study examines PM10 pollutant levels in villages that are close to limestone mining areas in West Bandung Regency. PM10 is airborne particles smaller than 10 micrometers. The research was conducted in Citatah Village, Gunungmasigit Village, Jayamekar Village, Ciburuy Village and Padalarang Village. This study aims to compare the results of PM10 pollutant measurements in the five villages with the PM10 pollutant quality standard in Indonesia. Air sampling was carried out for three days. These results were then analyzed spatially using Arcmap 10.3. Sampling using a particle counter measuring instrument HT-9600. The result showed that there were two villages, Citatah Village (98.78 µg/m3) and Gunungmasigit Village (111.67 g/m3) with an average PM10 measurement above the standard value of air pollution quality in Indonesia (75 µg/m3).

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