
The historical tradition connects the final period of life and the burial place of Galician-Volhynian Prince Lev Danylovych with a small Carpathian village of Spas (Lviv region) which is situated in the Upper Dnister area. Considering the fact, that we have almost no evidence about this period of the life of the Prince, only the connected archaeological and historical data along with some fragmentary evidence give us the opportunity to reconstruct the status and role of this area during the medieval period. The sources indicate that Spas had the complex of the principal residence of Lev Danylovych, first as the Prince of Peremyshl (1240–1260 CE) and then (around 1279-1301 CE) as the ruler of Rus and the Prince of Galicia and Volhynia. The building of the residence along with its functioning was connected with the rivalry of the Prince with city and aristocracy opposition, the Mongolian military actions, the intensification of the Polish-Hungarian foreign policy of the Prince, and finally – its advantageous geographical position on the cross of the trade roads and salt-making production centers. The Spas complex very well corresponded with the concept of the «big cities» of Rus and included a stronghold-fortress, the Prince court with a wooden palace, church (monastery), a dungeon tower, and guarding fortresses, suburban areas, villages, and monasteries. The whole complex was generally called Sambir. A bishop of Peremyshl had his residence at the court which additionally gave him the title of the bishop «of Sambir». The cathedral of Spas held its status as the residence of the local church authority if the following centuries. It is quite clear, that Prince Lev died in Spas (Sambir) and he was buried in the principal burial place – the Church of Spas (Transfiguration). Key words: Peremyshl land, Spas (Sambir), hill-fort, church, Prince Lev Danylovych, principal court-residence.

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