
Generalized Pauli constraints (GPCs) impose constraints in the form of inequalities on the natural orbital occupation numbers of the one electron reduced density matrix (1-RDM), defining the set of pure N-representable 1-RDMs, or 1-RDMs that can be derived from an N-electron wave function. Saturation of these constraints is termed "pinning" and implies a significant simplification of the N-electron wave function as the number of Slater determinants required to fully describe the system is reduced. Recent research has shown pinning to occur for the ground states of atoms and molecules with N = 3 and r = 6, where N is the number of electrons and r is the number of spin orbitals. For N = 4 and r = 8, however, pinning occurs not to the GPCs but rather to inequalities defining the pure N-representable two-electron reduced density matrices (2-RDMs). Using these more general inequalities, we derive a wave function ansatz for a system with four electrons in eight spin orbitals. We apply the ansatz to the isoelectronic series of the carbon atom and the dissociation of linear H4 where the correlation energies are recovered to fractions of a kcal/mol. These results provide a foundation for further developments in wave function and RDM theories based on "pinned" solutions, and elucidate a fundamental physical basis for the emergence of non-orthogonal bases in electronic systems of N ≥ 4.

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