
Recent investigations of two-dimensional airfoil stalling characteristics have revealed low-frequency and highly unsteady e owin somecases and large-scalethree-dimensionalstructuresin other cases.Thelatterwerereferred to as “ stall cells” and can form on two-dimensional cone gurations where the ends of the airfoil model are e ush with tunnelsidewallsorend plates.Thispaperpresentsresultsofdetailedinvestigationsofthestalling characteristicsof several airfoils that exhibited both low-frequency unsteadiness and large-scale three-dimensional structures. The airfoils were wind-tunnel tested in a two-dimensional cone guration. The primary measurements were spanwise wakevelocityand mini-tufte owvisualization. Theresultsshowedthatairfoilswithtrailing-edgeseparationsatand above maximum lift (static stall )exhibited stall-cell patterns. Conversely, airfoils that had leading-edge separation bubblesthatgrewinsizeastheangleofattackwasincreasedintostalldevelopedthelow-frequency,highlyunsteady e ow. This unsteadiness was found to be essentially two dimensional. Therefore, the development of either of these phenomenaappearstobedeterminedbythecharacteristicsoftheboundary-layerseparationleadinguptothestall.

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