
The present study is the second in a three-part series (the first appearing in Sefarad 59 [1999] pp. 3-42; the third being in press) on the phenomenon of Neo- Latin and Romance-Language —Spanish and Portuguese— poetry of the Sephardim in Hamburg and Frankfurt am Main from the early seventeenth to the midnineteenth centuries. Our collection expands the original poetic corpus from twenty-eight to forty-five works. In an historical and critical Introduction to the poems, the authors distinguish the creative genius of a new type of literary discourse, one which meshes neo-classical strophic forms with inspiration from Sephardic orthodox Judaism as it was practiced in the Dutch Netherlands, biblical events and Jewish philosophical constructs. In addition to the evaluation and edition of the poems and, in the cases of Neo-Latin works, their translation to English, the Introduction includes an argument for substantiating book printing of Sephardic-authored books in Frankfurt am Main during the period 1614-1634 as well as sporadically throughout the remainder of the seventeenth century.


  • For the present edition of poems, orthography and punctuation of the handsculpted and printed originals have been modernized, such as the use of 6, v, u; i, j, and y; h and /; u and ü; s, ss, z, ç, and e

  • The following norms have been followed: 1) poems are numbered as lines of verse; 2) defective readings in Portuguese and Spanish—whether they be printer's errors or authorial misspellings—are corrected to reflect modern usage, original readings are listed immediately following each poem; 3) dialogue as well as phraseology supposing a special understanding are set apart by the use of commas; 4) scribal abbreviations are resolved in italics; 5) tabulation is dependent upon whether a poem consisting of mote + glosa or a two-part funerary inscription are one or two independent compositions; the authors have decided to consider them as one; 6) numbering of poems follows scheme established in Part One

  • 22 'Clio consecrates these poems to eternity for the glory of the author

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Se de mim vos intentais despedir muito vos errais, meu Amigo, quem no coração vos soube imprimir por força sempre vos tem comsigo ^^. Wenige Jahre vor seinem Tod kehrt er nach Amsterdam zuriick, wo er am 25.11.1826 stirbt» Concerning this same work, see KÔRNER 1992 and 1994. Largai pois o vos querer despedir de quem vos estimou, e estimais, e crede que se não deixa ouvir que a distância no que bem amais 5] desune o que nas almas ligais; lembraivos que vos venho advertir se de mim vos intentais despedir muito vos errais, meu amigo, pois por força vos terá comsigo 10] quem no seu coração vos imprimir ^. ^^ Other more prosaic and posthumous publications by Abraham Meldola ( this individual may be a son) are: Der comptorist in besonderer hinsicht auf Hamburg (Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1829); Tulpen und Staatspapiere (Hamburg: Hoffmann, 1830); Abraham Meldola s Allgemeiner comptorist der sammtlichen

Authored by known Sephardim
Authored by physicians of possible Sephardic lineage
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