
The article deals with linguocultural analysis of Spanish paremias with the headword ajeno . Due to their syntactic-semantic structure, proverbs are considered to be the most representative paremic genre in paremiology. Studying proverbs one can study ethnocultural originality of the language, pragmatic and functional potential of paremias in speech, the way of understanding reality and the way of forming cultural meaning of paremias. The Spanish paremias that are analyzed in the work as a rule belong to the category of proverbs. In the course of the analysis we considered compatibility of the lexeme ‘ajeno’ with the words that most often collocate with it. These words are nouns, verbs, and pronouns in the possessive case. The analysis revealed proverbs with binary opposition ajeno - propio , as well as proverbs in which the word ajeno comes into opposition with possessive pronouns or verbs in the form of the first person plural. The headword ajeno is most often found in proverbs than its synonyms, for example the word extraño . Variants of proverbs, their differences, the reasons for their existence are also analyzed. The logical and thematic analysis of the proverbs makes it possible to divide them into six groups according to the evaluation of other people or other people’s property expressed in them. On this basis, conclusions are drawn about the linguistic and cultural features of paremias with the headword ajeno .

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