
Abstract The Marine Environment Department of the Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (IEO) is conducting several research projects based on the systematic and continuous study of the Ocean with observations made regularly over much long periods than a year-round and covering events in all seasons. The principal goal of the core project “Studies on time series of oceanographic data” is to understand the underlying causes of temporal variability of the physical and biological properties and processes in the pelagic ecosystem in the neritic and oceanic waters surrounding the Spanish coast. The scientific objectives are integrated in the framework of GLOBEC and JGOFS. The research effort involves 1) time series measurements in several transects along the Spanish coast, on both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean sides, and 2) synoptic observations by satellite imagery. The network of time series stations are being sampled according with JGOFS recommendations at monthly intervals at Santander (started in 1991), Cudillero (1993), La Coruna (1988), Vigo (1987), and Baleares (1993), and seasonally at Fuengirola (1992), and Cabo de Palos (1996). Each transect include the sampling in, at least, 3 stations of coastal, neritic and oceanic characteristics. Sampling includes measurements on hydrographic parameters and diverse analysis on the community structure and properties of phytoplankton, Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton. Sampling design also include specific works oriented to the study of processes and the study of hydrographie phenomena by means of AVHRR satellite images. A data management system was developed for both: to archive the data and as a tool for data analysis and elaboration of reports. This project also supply data to ICES data bank, and annual summaries on main results are reported to the ICES Working Groups WGOH, WGSSO, WPE and WGZE. The project is supported by the EEO. Average annual cost, including depreciation of durable equipment, consumables, travels and overheads, is 175,000 Euro.

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