
In this proof-of-principle study we analyzed intracranial electroencephalogram recordings in patients with intractable focal epilepsy. We contrast two implementations of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) - Ensemble (or spatial) ICA (E-ICA) and Space-Time ICA (ST-ICA) in separating out the ictal components underlying the measurements. In each case we assess the outputs of the ICA algorithms by means of a non-linear method known as the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) complexity. LZ complexity quantifies the complexity of a time series and is well suited to the analysis of non-stationary biomedical signals of short length. Our results show that for small numbers of intracranial recordings, standard E-ICA results in marginal improvements in the separation as measured by the LZ complexity changes. ST-ICA using just 2 recording channels both near and far from the epileptic focus result in more distinct ictal components--although at this stage there is a subjective element to the separation process for ST-ICA. Our results are promising showing that it is possible to extract meaningful information from just 2 recording electrodes through ST-ICA, even if they are not directly over the seizure focus. This work is being further expanded for seizure onset analysis.

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