
This paper proposes the precoder for Multi User-MassiveMIMO (MU-MaMI) frequency selective broadcast channels with few User Terminals(UTs) having single antenna each. The frequency selective effect of the MaMI channel will be manifested as ISI and IUI. In order to mitigate these interferences and to eliminate the group level decoding of UTs, a precoder is proposed utilizing the block time Channel Impulse Responses (CIRs). This proposed precoder is designed based on the following approaches, Matched Filter(MF), Zero Forcing (ZF), Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) and Regularized Channel Inversion (RCI). The performance of these precoders is evaluated using single symbol time (one time symbol) and block time symbols (N time symbols) of each UT. The optimal length N block time symbols and minimum number of Base Station (BS) antennas required for a given N block time and multipath L is evaluated with respect to the Signal-to-Interference Noise Ratio (SINR) asymptotic limits.

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