
Purpose. The analysis of safety systems for the transport of dangerous goods by rail is being carried out. Methods. The types of incidents that occurred on the railway were analyzed. The reasons of occurrence of events with dangerous cargoes are estimated. Results. The map of Ukraine is drawn up according to the number of events and depending on the types of incidents on the Ukrainian Railway. The article examines the accidents and incidents taking place while transporting dangerous goods by railway transport. The paper presents and considers research results indicating the way the respondents estimate the main factors related to risk in rail transport. The work suggests recommendation measures for reducing accidents in railway transport while shipping dangerous cargoes. The risk arising by dangerous goods transport represents a particular threat which needs strategies and tools to reduce risk rate of society, property and environment. The reasons of emergency situations are considered: technical failure of the car; extremely high wear and tear of fixed assets, organizational factors during cargo transportation, violation of safety rules of cargo operations, interference of unauthorized persons during transportation. Conclusions. A significant proportion of transport events are due to commercial malfunctions, catastrophic depreciation of fixed assets, but the causes of emergencies in railway transport are also violations of safety requirements, which entail significant pecuniary damage. Therefore, the issue of improving the technology of transporting dangerous goods at various stages of the transportation process is extremely important today.


  • The types of incidents that occurred on the railway were analyzed

  • The map of Ukraine is drawn up according to the number of events and depending on the types of incidents on the Ukrainian Railway

  • The risk arising by dangerous goods transport represents a particular threat which needs strategies and tools to reduce risk rate of society, property and environment

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Н. Каразіна майдан Свободи, 6, 61022, Харків, Україна e-mail: butsyura@ukr.net ПРОСТОРОВО-ЧАСОВИЙ АНАЛІЗ НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ ПОДІЙ ПРИ ПЕРЕВЕЗЕННІ НЕБЕЗПЕЧНИХ ВАНТАЖІВ ЗАЛІЗНИЧНИМ ТРАНСПОРТОМ Аналіз сучасного стану безпеки руху на залізничному транспорті під час перевезення небезпечних вантажів, статистичний аналіз надзвичайних подій і рівня безпеки. Значна частка транспортних подій відбувається через комерційні несправності, катастрофічний знос основних фондів, але причинами виникнення надзвичайних подій на залізничному транспорті є також порушення вимог безпеки, які тягнуть за собою значну матеріальну шкоду.

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