
We study splittability over some classes of compact spaces which are useful in functional analysis and general topology. Among other things we show that a scattered pseudocompact space splittable over the class of Eberlein compact spaces is Eberlein compact. We also prove that a compact space splittable over the class of Eberlein compact spaces is hereditarily \(\sigma \)-metacompact, and that if X is a compact space splittable over the class of Corson compact spaces, then \(d(X)=w(X)\). We also obtain several results on Rosenthal and on descriptive compact spaces. For instance: (1) a compact space is Rosenthal if and only if it is splittable over the class of Rosenthal compacta, (2) \(\mathfrak {c}\)-metrizable countably compact spaces which split over the class of descriptive compacta are descriptive compact spaces, (3) if X is a compact space splittable over the class of descriptive compact spaces, then \(hd(X)=w(X)\), (4) scattered compact spaces splittable over the class of descriptive compact spaces are \(\sigma \)-discrete descriptive compacta, and (5) it is consistent with ZFC that a compact space which splits over the class of descriptive compacta is a descriptive compact space.

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