
The National System of Conservation Units has defined a buffer zone as an area around a Conservation Unit, where activities must be subject to specific standards, in order to minimize negative impacts on ecosystems. Based on this discussion, this research uses remote sensing and geoprocessing and has as objectives: to map the use and occupation of the land, to simulate the buffer zone and to characterize the spaces of social and environmental conflicts of the State Park Mata do Pau Ferro, Areia-PB. Through the mapping of use and occupation was identified that the Park has 600 ha. Of these, 492 ha (82%) present a spectral response of forest vegetation (Seasonal Semideciduous Forest) in different successional stages, 54 ha (9%) represent clearings, with pioneer vegetation (Poaceaea and shrub), which present the same response spectral of crops and pastures, and 54 ha (9%) is the Vaca Brava reservoir, which presents its Permanent Preservation Area. The spaces of conflict are the protagonists of the buffer zone and summed represent 600 ha or 75% of the area. This fact can be considered an aggravating factor because all these economic activities are not being monitored and spatially symbolize a high degree of edge effect. Integrated management between the Conservation Unit and its buffer zone in this situation is urgent and should involve the surrounding social sectors, especially rural producers. An alternative would be the payment for Environmental Services and incorporate the agroforestry system.

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