
Data are presented relating to volcanic series in the Belogolovskii Massif, Sredinnyi Range, Kamchatka. We discuss new geochronologic data, the distributions of rare elements and platinum elements in the rocks, and list the isotope characteristics of volcanic series with normal and moderate alkalinities. We show that the Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene rocks that belong to the moderate alkaline series of the Belogolovskii volcanic massif are different from rocks in the normally alkaline series of the Late Miocene to Middle Pliocene volcanogenic basement in having higher concentrations of the HFSE and LILE components. We propose a model for the generation of moderate alkaline magmas involving a heterogeneous depleted and a heterogeneous enriched source of material. According to the isotope data, one of these sources may be the subducted oceanic lithosphere of the Pacific and the Commander-Islands type, while the other source was recycled material of the Indian MORB type.

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