
Weintend to use the description oftheelectron orbital trajectory in the de Broglie-Bohm (dBB) theory to assimilate to a geodesiccorresponding to the General Relativity (GR) and get from itphysicalconclusions. ThedBBapproachindicatesustheexistenceof a non-local quantumfield (correspondingwiththequantumpotential), anelectromagneticfield and a comparativelyveryweakgravitatoryfield, togetherwith a translationkineticenergyofelectron. Ifweadmitthatthosefields and kineticenergy can deformthespace time, according to Einstein'sfield equations (and to avoidtheviolationoftheequivalenceprinciple as well), we can madethehypothesisthatthegeodesicsof this space-time deformation coincide withtheorbitsbelonging to thedBBapproach (hypothesisthat is coherentwiththestabilityofmatter). Fromit, we deduce a general equation that relates thecomponentsofthemetric tensor. Thenwe find anappropriatemetric for it, bymodificationofanexactsolutionofEinstein'sfield equations, whichcorresponds to dust in cylindricalsymmetry. Thefoundmodelproofs to be in agreementwiththebasicphysicalfeaturesofthehydrogenquantum system, particularlywiththeindependenceoftheelectronkineticmomentum in relationwiththeorbit radius. Moreover, themodel can be done Minkowski-like for a macroscopicshortdistancewith a convenientelectionof a constant. According to this approach, theguiding function ofthewaveontheparticlecould be identifiedwiththedeformationsofthespace-time and thestabilityofmatterwould be easilyjustifiedbythe null accelerationcorresponding to a geodesicorbit.

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