
The NW Bohemia/Vogtland region situated at the western part of the Bohemian Massif is characteristic in a frequent reoccurrence of earthquake and micro-earthquake swarms. We present a comprehensive, integrated pattern of the space and time distribution of seismic energy release in the principal NK (Nový Kostel) focal zone for the period 1991–2001 and for the intensive 1985/1986 swarm. More than 3000 earthquakes, recorded by the WEBNET, the KRASLICE net and by temporary stations VAC, TIS and OLV operating during the 1985/1986 swarm, were located or re-located using the master event technique. Swarm-like sequences were identified and discriminated from solitary events by detecting local minima of the inter-event time using a standard short-time/long-time average (STA/LTA) detection algorithm. Most of the seismic energy in the NK zone was released during the two intensive 1985/1986 and 2000 swarms and in the course of the weaker January 1997 swarm. Further 27 swarm-like sequences (micro-swarms) and many solitary micro-earthquakes (background activity) were identified in the NK zone for the period 1991–2001 by the inter-event time analysis. Relative location revealed a pronounced planar character of the NK focal zone. Most of the events, including those of the intensive 1985/1986 and 2000 swarms, were located at the main focal plane (MFP) striking 169° N and dipping 80° westward at depths between 6 and 11 km. A singularity was the January 1997 swarm together with a micro-swarm that were both located across the MFP. The position and geometry of the MFP match quite well the Nový Kostel-Počátky-Zwota tectonic line. The space distribution patterns of larger events and of micro-swarms at the MFP differ: larger events predominantly grouped in planar clusters while the micro-swarms lined up along two parallel seismogenic lines. The temporal behaviour was examined from two aspects: (a) migration and (b) recurrence of the seismic activity. It was found that (a) the seismic activity in the time span 1991–2001 migrated in an area of about 12×4 km and (b) several segments of the MFP were liable to reactivation. The activity before, during and after the 2000 swarm took place in different parts of the MFP.

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