
Starting from the postulate that the electromagnetic field appearing in the transverse set of microscopic Maxwell-Lorentz equations governing field-matter interactions, properly normalized, can be looked upon as describing one-photon-emission and -absorption processes in space and time, a first-quantized initiation of photon emission by a single atom is presented. The wave function for the emerging photon is introduced as a six-vector object constructed from the complex analytical signals of the Riemann-Silberstein vectors belonging to opposite photon helicities. When the atom is no longer electrodynamically active, the emitted photon is described in first quantization by the so-called energy wave function well known for photons in free space. From the momentum representation of the emerging photon wave function a condition on the analytical part of the transverse atomic current density is established which ensures that precisely one photon is emitted. A propagator description of the emerged photon dynamics in the coordinate representation is established. The photon propagator is introduced as a two-component spinor, where upper and lower tensor components are constructed, respectively, from positive and negative helicity combinations of the propagators describing the time-space evolution of the transverse electric and magnetic fields. It is shown that the emission region for the photon coincides with the region in space where the transverse atomic current density is nonvanishing. For a photon emitted in an electric dipole transition the emission region essentially is the near-field zone of the atom, and this zone therefore determines the initial (and best) spatial confinement of the photon. The photon emerging from an atom active for a finite time necessarily is of the polychromatic sort and the associated wave packet essentially is confined between spherical shells moving outwards with the vacuum speed of light. To illustrate the main principles of the fundamental theory in a heuristic fashion we apply it to a study of the emission of a one-photon sinusoidal wavetrain from a pointlike atom. It is found that the atomic current density needed to create just one photon is independent of the oscillation period in the train and thus depends only on the number of periods in the wave train. An explicit expression for the one-photon energy is derived, and it is shown that only for extremely short pulse trains pronounced deviations from the textbook result, $E=\ensuremath{\Elzxh}{\ensuremath{\omega}}_{0},$ occur. The radial energy flow in the coupled atom-photon system in the near-field zone of the atom is investigated, and the cycle-averaged outwards energy transport carried by the emerging photon in a given distance from the atom is determined.

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