
In this chapter, I describe space syntax, a recent configurational approach to urban morphological studies that shows some conceptual similarities to the network analysis of structural sociology. First, I describe the basic concepts, methods, and measures of this configurational approach, focusing on the axial and segment map analyses—the two most commonly used methods of space syntax related to urban morphological studies. After this, I describe some of the recent mathematical developments of space syntax methods and measures. These mathematical developments include various normalization techniques for integration and choice—the two most important measures of space syntax; various clarifications on the relationships between the metric, geometric, and topological measures of axial and segment maps; various universal properties including scaling laws observed in axial and segment maps; various ways to reduce and/or eliminate the effects of boundary on space syntax measures; various ways to take into account the shape as well as the 3D of the built environment within space syntax; and, finally, various ways to integrate space syntax with GIS. Following mathematical developments, I describe various applications of space syntax methods and measures in urban morphological studies. Here, I discuss how space syntax methods and measures have been applied to describe the syntactic types and cores, and the whole and the parts relationships of spatial configurations; the processes of spatial production and reproduction of social relations, functions, and knowledge; the generative functions of spatial configurations; the relationships between spatial configurations and social capital; and the experiential aspects of urban morphological history. I conclude the chapter by highlighting the fact urban morphological studies, though an important part of the space syntax corpus, are only one of many areas of research where space syntax methods and measures have been applied in recent years.

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