
During the mid to late Middle Ages a group of intrepid explorers from Scandinavia established two colonies in the harsh environment of Greenland. These people were known as the Greenland Norse. While their colonies made a determined effort and survived for about 500 years, they never really flourished and struggled just to survive in their harsh environment. Eventually they disappeared, despite the fact that a neighboring group, the Inuits, was successful in surviving into the modern era. Hence, while survival was very difficult due to a variety of factors, it was possible depending on how the society dealt with the environment. There are a number of interesting parallels between this Greenland Norse experiment and the modern era of space exploration. While comparisons from the past to present day plans must certainly be made with caution, there may be interesting lessons to learn. Specifically, the role of technology and innovation by the Greenland Norse is addressed in this comparative study.

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