
We have shown increases in the abundance of airway mucin mRNA during the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in rat models ( Jany et al., 1991) and now seek to determine the underlying mechanisms. As transcriptional modulation may be involved, we provide here a functional analysis of the 5′ flanking region of a rat mucin gene ( MUC 2). Using deletion mutants to bp −859, we constructed expression cassettes in CAT vectors and transfected them into two MUC 2-expressing cell lines, SPOC 1, a rat airway epithelial cell line and IEC-6, a rat intestinal epithelial cell line, and into one MUC 2 non-expressing cell line, FR, a rat skin fibroblast cell line. Results indicated that nucleotides −59 to −40 mediated high level expression in SPOC 1, but not in the other cells. Used as a probe in gel shift assays, fragment −59/−40 formed complexes of differing mobilities when incubated with nuclear protein extracts from the three cell types. Mutation of the putative Sp1 binding site in the probe sequence interfered with protein binding in all three cell types, but anti-Sp1 antibody supershifted a band formed only by airway cell extracts. A model of airway cell-specific MUC 2 transcription is proposed.

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