
In the past decade Europe and the EU in particular are facing a major deficit on soy protein. In the case of certified non-GM soy protein this deficit is even broader. EU counts for 0.4% of worldwide soybeans acreage. Soybean imports – grain equivalent – represent 95% of the European annual consumption of 38 million tons. The EU accession of the countries from the Danube region and the association treaties signed by other Eastern European countries have created new opportunities to increase the acreage of soybeans, the region being known for very favorable conditions for this crop. Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova represent an important reservoir of conventional soy protein from the perspective of soybeans breeding capabilities and growth potential. In all three countries breeding and cropping soybeans have a history of 100 years. Today, Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova are following this long time tradition through breeding and registering new soybean varieties well adapted to local cropping conditions. The agriculture research communities from these three countries are continuously challenged to supply local farmers with high yield and new traits genetics, as well as to develop or improve the cropping technologies for soybeans. In the past 7 years the soybeans acreage stagnated or slightly decreased in these Danube region countries. Recently, a growing interest of the farmers in the region to increase the soybeans area can be observed. However, to maintain this trend, farmers should benefit from incentive schemes for soybeans as well as demonstration platforms, training and know-how transfer programs. Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova have a soybean cropping potential of 0.8-1 million hectares. This potential may generate a minimum of 2 million tons representing 5% of the EU annual consumption, respectively 30% of non-GM soybean annually used in the EU.

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