
The collection soybean nursery at the Institute of Steppe Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine includes 144 varieties of domestic and foreign selection. The variety of the studied samples allows to allocate to a greater extent economically; valuable signs and to pick up parental forms for selection of soybeans on various directions of use. The results of research in the collection nursery for 10 years (2010–2019) are given. In the course of research the collection varieties of soybeans of different ecological and geographical origin were used. Collectible varieties by yield, protein and fat content in seeds were analyzed. The importance of varieties resistant to cotyledonousbacteriosis in increasing soybean yield has been substantiated. Soybean varieties of different ecological and geographical origin have been evaluated for resistance to cotyledon bacteriosis. Phytopathological assessment was performed on a natural infectious background. 15 soybean varieties resistant to cotyledonousbacteriosis were identified: Era 2, Medeya, Stepovychka 4, Diona, Agat, Sribna Ruta, Podolsk 2000, Yatran, Khabarovska 01, Evans, Liniia № 100, R8606I-5R05, Yutro, and VNIIOZ 11. Highlighted highly resistant varieties are promising as a source resistance to cotyledonousbacteriosis during selection for immunity to this pathogen. Highly resistant soybean varieties of Ukrainian selection deserve the most attention as donors of resistance to cotyledonousbacteriosis, 9 of which have been identified. At the present stage of selection, with the transition to European standards, it is very important to create varieties with high quality seeds. Therefore, the laboratory is conducting research to identify high-protein and high-fat varieties. Analyzing the results of chemical analysis of soybean varieties of different maturity groups, we can say that the protein content in the seeds varied between 32.2–45.8 %. The highest indicator was observed in the varieties Zernoukisna (45.8 %), Ustya (45.5 %), Sonyachna (44.7 %), Artemida (44.2 %), Pripyat (44.0 %). The fat content in the seeds of varieties of the collection nursery ranged from 18.2 to 26.8 %. The highest rate of fat content in seeds was observed in varieties – Emerald (26.8 %), Annushka (26.4 %), Sophia (26.8 %), Colorful (26.4 %), Ophelia (26.5 %), Podilska 416 (26.4 %), Vasylkivska (26.8 %), L. 101 (26.8 %), Bukuriya (26.3 %). Examples of high-yielding, high-protein and fat-containing, highly resistant to cotyledonousbacteriosis, as well as varieties adapted to adverse environmental conditions are given. Keywords: soy, bean, variety, collection, yield, protein, fat, resistance, seeds.


  • З переходом на європейські стандарти, важливого значення набуває створення сортів з високою якістю насіння.

  • Хімічний аналіз насіння сої різних груп стиглості свідчить про те, що вміст протеїну за роки досліджень змінювався в межах 32,2–45,8 %.

  • З високим вмістом протеїну та жиру, високостійкими до сім’ядольного бактеріозу, а також адаптованими до несприятливих умов оточуючого середовища.

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З переходом на європейські стандарти, важливого значення набуває створення сортів з високою якістю насіння. Хімічний аналіз насіння сої різних груп стиглості свідчить про те, що вміст протеїну за роки досліджень змінювався в межах 32,2–45,8 %. З високим вмістом протеїну та жиру, високостійкими до сім’ядольного бактеріозу, а також адаптованими до несприятливих умов оточуючого середовища. Селекції зернових і технічних культур, е-mail: Ludmilamedvedeva1415@gmail.com, https://orsid.org: 0000-0001-5970-1061

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