
To the Editor.— In the report by Check entitled "Switch to Soy Protein for Boring but Healthful Diet" (1982; 247:3045) in the MEDICAL NEWS section, I would like to point out that a soy diet does not have to be boring. As the nutritionist for the metabolic study described, I developed four different menus for each of the three diets tested. The soy diet incorporated various soy products, including textured vegetable protein, tofu, soy flours, nuts and granules, and soybeans. Two sample soy menus are given in the Table. Menus were planned to meet the recommended dietary allowances 1 for this age group and to accommodate the taste preferences of young adult males. Overall, subjects found the meals to be satisfying and tasty. Monotony may have occurred during the 28-day feeding period because of the repetitious cycle and the highly controlled conditions. However, soy products are versatile, and only the imagination

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