
A network comprises of a plurality of nodes working together to perform similar or different tasks. The network has a huge room for attacks so as to make the network inefficient. The major attacks that are causing huge turbulences to the network and its equivalent resources include Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In prior-art there are many techniques that can sense and avoid these attacks. Packet Marking (PM) techniques are the most widely used successful techniques towards avoiding these attacks. However, there are some critical issues with the PM techniques, as these attacks are becoming more complicated due to growing talent in the market. PM technique can be used further to traceback the origin of attacks. In this traceback the major contest is to minimize the amount of packets in successful traceback of these attacks. The packets that are originating from the sources are not enough to traceback the origin. The paper discusses various known PM techniques available for fighting back against the mentioned attacks. Further, the paper also discloses the implementation of these techniques, their advantages, disadvantages, complexity analysis, and the results measured. Future trends including the need for effective and efficient defense mechanism are also discussed.

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